
How to Make an Irresistible Offer

Print brochures work best if you make, as the Godfather would say, 'an offer they cannot refuse.' Compelling offers are difficult to resist especially if you do it on the right time. Your print brochures should be able to tell your prospective clients exactly how they can get your enticing offer.This is the essence of direct response advertising. You tell your prospective clients about your offer in your brochure printing and then you tell them how they can get it. It is as simple as this. The biggest challenge however for direct response advertising is the offer itself.There are two factors that influence the effectiveness of any offer. They are strength and weight. Like any person, strength and weight will influence how that person is perceived. An offer is no different. Read on and learn how you can make a strong and relevant offer with your marketing collaterals.StrengthStrength is determined by how powerful your offer is. For instance, a 50% discount on all items would beat a 10% slash on selected items. A free LCD TV when you apply for a credit card is definitely stronger than a free oven toaster.The strength of the offer is determined by how it is perceived by your audience. You may think that it is a powerful one but your audience may not agree with you. So the best way to do it is to make an assessment first. What would the audience perceive as a strong offer? Would that offer convince them to make the purchase? Always remember that you are offering something in exchange for something.WeightWeight on the other hand is given to the relevance of your offer. For instance, a print brochure offering '10 Ways to Ensure Risk Free Homes" is more relevant to people shopping for house financing than, '10 Ways to Protect Your Credit Standing.' People are more inclined to read the former to be informed about what they should do.Be sure to get your offer up front – right at the top of your print brochures. light bulbs Make it Motor Parts bold, enticing and appealing. Better yet, support it with images and strong text.As a final note, don’t forget to repeat the offer several times in the text. And make sure that you give them the details of how they can avail of your offer. Include directional maps if necessary, but never ever forget to include your contact details.

