
Top 10 Considerations For Choosing An MLM

MLM and network marketing often get associated with scams. Some of them are. Many more of them are legit. The tricky part is selecting one that is the right fit for you. The greatest MLM company could fall in your lap tomorrow, but if it's not the right match, you might end up feeling burned in the end.Here's a list of the top 10 things to consider when choosing an MLM company for network marketing.10. Who You Gonna Call?Other than the person that signs you up, who can you talk to? Do they have technical support for the website? Is there a member's forum? Is there a team of people you can call for marketing, leadership and member support? Having access to a high level support shows a company's diligence to maintain its existence and dedication to your accomplishment.9. History In The Making90% of marketing companies fail in their first 2 years. The MLM company you choose should be around for at least 5 years. If they're not, then look at the MLM company founders and CEO. Where did they come from? Do they own other businesses? Do they have a successful track record?8. Don't Choose An MLMNetwork marketing consists of two types of sales businesses. MLM and Direct Sales. The difference is, in the simplest terms, MLM pays you a percentage of a percentage, and then that percentage is split and paid to you and your upline (meaning you get very very little until you build a massive downline to supply you with portions of their commissions). In Direct Sales you get paid a percentage of the total sale. That means you get a larger commission up front that is not split between a bunch of members of your upline. Both types require the same effort, so it makes sense to go with the one that pays 7. Show Me The Money!The payout of commissions should not rely on a qualification process. Commissions should not have to be passed up to your sponsor during a probationary period, and you shouldn't have to wait until you have a qualifying amount of distributors under you before you can be paid. Your cash flow should have potential to be immediate so that you can fund marketing and expansion of your business. It also allows you the flexibility to keep your full time job and use your limited time efficiently.6. Product, Product, ProductIn Real Estate it's about Location, this industry is about Product. The product has to be able to survive on it's own, meaning is it something that people would purchase if it wasn't attached to a business opportunity. The product should be unique and without a ton of competition. There are TONS of companies selling juice and vitamin out there, those products are not unique anymore. The product should be something that people will be purchasing for years to come so avoid trendy items that are just this season's fad.5. Back To School, Back To School,,,,Training and education is invaluable in this industry and a forward thinking company is going to provide you with top training and tools. The first company I ever signed up with offered "training" that consisted of a 3way call with my "leads". In other words, I gave a list of my friends and family to my sponsor and they called all of them while I listened in. Obviously this is not training. Look for live training webcasts, forums, recorded "how to" videos, examples, live Q & A calls, and a support center.4. It's a Techie WorldThe company should be taking full advantage of technology and have a system in place that anyone can plug into and start generating leads and income immediately. The company should offer customizable webpages and the ability for you to brand yourself and not promote a generic page.3. Pay It ForwardA company dedicated to giving back is looking to stay in business long term. They focus on providing value to the community and all of civilization. Their primary concern is not becoming a bunch of filthy rich millionaires with a mansion and a yacht. The leader of the company should be someone that understands Iphone 4s Battery true wealth is taking responsibility for the good they can accomplish in the world.2. Too Hot For TeacherThe person you sign up with should be a leader and someone that you can connect with and will mentor you. A sponsor is someone that will mentor, guide, and teach you. A recruiter simply sees dollar signs for themselves in you.1. Just Wanna Have FunYou HAVE to like what you are doing in marketing and find it fun. This isn't like any other job that is just a temporary means to money. This industry is a totally different mentality and requires a entrepreneur mindset. You are in business for yourself and don't answer to anyone else, so if you don't like it and have fun with it, you aren't going to do what it takes to make it work. Don't fall for the "overnight success" stories, there was work involved to get to that point, but those people enjoyed it and that's why they made Nail Polish it big.

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